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May 30, 2014 - EXTRAORDINARY #5 Is On Amazon Now!

The fifth issue of EXTRAORDINARY was released on Amazon, featuring the exciting conclusion to Cat's Tale! It was the final installment of Cat's Tale, and the final issue of EXTRAORDINARY - at least for now.












March 14, 2014 - It's EXTRAORDINARY #4!

The fourth issue of EXTRAORDINARY arrived on Amazon, continuing the epic story of Cat's Tale!












December 20, 2013 - EXTRAORDINARY #3 Arrived!

The third issue of EXTRAORDINARY came to Amazon. The story of Catherine Combs continued with a new installment of over twenty-seven thousand words, as well as a new cover illustration.












August 9, 2013 - EXTRAORDINARY #2 Hit Amazon!

The second issue of EXTRAORDINARY landed on Amazon, with a new installment of over twenty-five thousand words of supernatural adventure, as well as a new cover illustration.












June 19, 2013 - An EXTRAORDINARY Day!

The first issue of EXTRAORDINARY was released on Amazon. It was the beginning of a series, to be published in a serialized format, with each issue containing approximately twenty-four thousand words of exciting story, as well as a cover illustration, all done by a guy named Derek O'Gorman.